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- Невероятное совпадение: Холдо таранит флагман Сноука как раз тогда, когда Финна и Роуз собираются зверзки казнить. Таранный удар их спасает.
- Хакер: Маз Каната порекомендовала найти мастера-взломщика из Канто Байт, который может взломать системы звездного разрушителя, дабы пройти через силовое поле. Мастера-взломщика найти не удалось, нашли просто взломщика — Диджея, который тоже справился с заданием, но из него всё равно ничего не вышло из-за хронического спиннокинжального расстройства Диджея.
- Мрачнее и острее: чем «Империя наносит ответный удар», ближайший аналог этого эпизода в Оригинальной трилогии. Новая Республика после уничтожения столицы находится в полном организационном параличе, и никто больше не поддерживает сопротивление. Хан Соло погиб от руки собственного сына. Люк Скайуокер, человек, сыгравший самую ключевую роль в падении той былой Империи, включил режим «вы кто такие, я вас не звал, идите нахер». А Первому Ордену потеря их супероружия, кажется, ничуть не помешала продолжать захват власти в Республике.
- Повышение через убийство: Кайло Рен.
- Правая рука двигает головой: генерал Хакс. Да, Кайло припугнул его, слегка подушив Силой. Но Кайло, в отличие от Хакса, не пользуется уважением в войсках, не имеет репутации ни полководца, ни правителя. Если Кайло хочет всерьез закрепиться в должности Верховного лидера, ему придется перестать орать и пугать всех вокруг и научиться действовать пряником, а не кнутом. А пока Кайло может душить Хакса сколько ему вздумается, но Хакс незаменим — иначе, как через него, отдавать приказы армии Кайло не может.
Dramatic Space Drifting: After the First Order attacks the Resistance, Leia’s body is shown drifting among the debris in space. She is able to bring herself back to the survivors.
Dressing as the Enemy: Finn dons a First Order uniform at one point, alongside Rose and DJ.
Dwindling Party: The fleeing Resistance members, who keep being gradually slaughtered during their desperate escape; by the end they have lost all ships, and so few of them are left, they are all aboard the Millennium Falcon. There are just more than 400 left on the Raddus at the start of the film, and less than a dozen at the very end.
Dying Moment of Awesome:
Paige Tico manages to unload the bombs of her critically damaged bomber just in time before they can fire on Home One.
Admiral Holdo hyperspace-ramming the Raddus into Snoke’s ship to save whats left of the resistance.
Subverted with Finn’s attempted Heroic Sacrifice to save whats left of the Rebellion—Rose intercepts his speeder and saves him just in time.
Luke Skywalker sacrificing himself to save the remaining rebels, all while trumping and humiliating Kylo Ren in battle with an Astral Projection from halfway across the galaxy, and then finally becoming one with The Force, knowing he is not The Last Jedi.
Escaped Animal Rampage: In order to escape from Canto Bight guards, Finn and Rose invoke this by freeing the captive fathiers that the casino regulars bet on. The herd proceeds to cause immense property damage before escaping to the hilly countryside.
Everything’s Better with Samurai: The First Order’s Praetorian Guards wear Samurai-themed armor◊ simply for Rule of Cool.
Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Kylo Ren hesitates when he has the chance to directly kill Leia by blowing up her ship. His wingman doesn’t, although it doesn’t kill Leia.
Evil Counterpart: Kylo Ren’s droid, BB-9E, is the evil flat-headed counterpart of BB-8.
Evil Overlooker: Inverted. In many of the posters, the overarching head is Luke’s, who is the resident Hero and widely considered a Hope Bringer to the galaxy.
Exact Words: Luke vows to never leave the planet he exiled himself to. When he finally decides to help the cornered Resistance, it seems like he goes back on his words at first, but turns out it is only his Astral Projection.
Extremely Short Timespan: The entire film takes place over the course of a few days. Much of the climax takes place over the course of only a few hours.
Fantastic Foxes: The vulptex, a crystalline fox native to the mineral-rich planet of Crait. They appear benevolent and play a minor but important role in the final act, leading the Resistance remains out of the base.
Foreboding Fleeing Flock: Inverted. When the Vulptex herd flees the Resistance base on Crait, it’s not treated as an omen but as a sign of hope — because they didn’t leave through the front door, there must be another exit that the remaining Resistance members can use.
Generic Doomsday Villain: Snoke, ultimately. For all the set-up of him being this master force user (which he is) with the same gravitas and foreboding that the Emperor himself held, he gets killed off before the movie reveals anything of who, or what he is, or what his ultimate plans were.
Good Colors, Evil Colors:
The Force Awakens has the «Star Wars» logo outlined in bright yellow (signaling optimism), while the dark red coloring for The Last Jedi’s logo fits in line with its supposed darker and edgier tone.
Finn switches from his black stormtrooper undershirt to a white open collar shirt to signal his completed Mook-Face Turn.
Rey has gone from her tan/white outfit at the start of The Force Awakens to a grey outfit in the opening of this film, to a grey and dark brown version as the film goes on, signaling her continuing loss of innocence as she delves deeper into the ways of the Force.
Go Out with a Smile: Luke becomes one with the Force, content with his life and legacy after stalling the First Order and making amends with Leia, spending his last moments looking at the twin suns of Ach-To.
Going Down with the Ship: Admiral Holdo stays behind in the last Resistance ship after it has been evacuated, drawing First Order fire to her instead of the escaping Resistance members. Once everyone realizes the First Order’s next move, she turns it into a Taking You with Me situation.
Good Scars, Evil Scars: Played with. Despite Rey cutting a large wound into his face with a lightsaber in the last film, the conflicted Kylo Ren has a clean, thin scarline going from his brow to his jaw, rather than a large ugly one. This is in contrast to the outright evil Big Bad, Supreme Leader Snoke, who has large disfiguring scars all over his face and body. Subverted when Kylo winds up supplanting Snoke.
Heroic B.S.O.D.: The events between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens appear to have done quite the number on Luke, for him to lose faith in the Jedi Order as the end of the teaser implies. The final trailer reveals that it’s worse—he’s suffering from PTSD as a direct result of the actions of the Knights of Ren.
Heroic Sacrifice:
The Resistance bombers against the Dreadnought, as a result of Poe’s Indy Ploy.
Admiral Holdo in order to protect the transports points her ship towards the First Order fleet and activates the hyperdrive, causing a chain reaction that destroys every Star Destroyer and severly damages Snoke’s flagship.
Luke dies after facing down the First Order, although he «merely» becomes one with the Force.
The Hero Dies: Luke, the definitive hero of the Star Wars franchise as a whole, becomes one with the Force after stopping the First Order. He dies content, though.
Horse of a Different Color: The fathiers, long-eared quadrupedal mammals that could be tamed and used for riding. Fittingly enough, the inhabitants of Canto Bight have bets revolving around fathier-racing.
Hope Bringer: Luke’s basic purpose. By the end of the movie, even Leia considers the galaxy doomed, until Luke comes back to make amends and face down the First Order. As shown in the last scene, his actions have already inspired a new generation of rebels to stand up against the First Order.
Hope Springs Eternal: The ending sees Luke dead, and the very last of the Resistance escaping on the Millennium Falcon while Kylo Ren and the First Order still appear to have control of the galaxy. Despite this, Luke’s exploits are inspiring people around the galaxy (some of whom are Force-sensitive), the Resistance can still regroup with their allies, and Rey has the original Jedi texts in her possession.
Humiliation Conga:
One that happens at the very end of the movie, at the end of a series of events that make up what otherwise would have been a character’s finest hour. An hour within taking leadership of the First Order by killing Snoke and framing Rey for it, Kylo Ren humiliates himself as an impulsive and incompetent military leader in front of the entire might of the First Order’s armies, leaving him an overpowered joke and laughingstock not one inch of the grandfather he admired. He doesn’t get the satisfaction of killing Luke and destroying the Jedi or the Resistance, as the hero explains that military victory aside, the seeds have been set for a greater Resistance to grow. Luke then reveals that he appeared only as an illusion on Crait, meaning that Kylo Ren’s failed military maneuver was all a complete waste and it allowed the Resistance to escape in the end.
Poe also gets one, with the film ruthlessly deconstructing the Military Maverick trope. Every plan he makes either fails or backfires spectacularly. His attack on the dreadnought is a Pyrrhic Victory, resulting in heavy losses that are unsustainable for the Resistance. His plan to save the Resistance Fleet completely fails, and only succeeds in tripping up Vice Admiral Holdo’s more plausible evacuation plan. Finally, the sally he leads to delay the First Order’s assault on the Crait Resistance Base is completely ineffectual.
Humongous Mecha: The AT-M6 (All-Terrain Megacaliber Six), the First Order’s band of walker, which is used in the attack on Crait. It’s much larger than the AT-AT, built like a gorilla and armed with a megacaliber six laser cannon on its back. The First Order also have slightly sleeker versions of the Imperial AT-AT with them — just to give you an idea of how big the AT-M6 is, the First Order AT-AT peers slightly above the legs of its successor.
Hypocritical Humor: After Poe’s unauthorised assault on a Dreadnought results in a lot of casualties for the resistence, Leia slaps him, demotes him to captain and lectures him that he can’t solve everything by hopping in an X-Wing and blowing stuff up. Once the First Order catches up to the Resistence, Leia gladly and immediately approves Poe’s request to just hop in an X-Wing and blow stuff up.
Immediate Sequel: The movie picks up right after the end of The Force Awakens. This is in contrast to the other films in the main seriesnote, which were always separated by a Time Skipnote .
Important Haircut: Before the climactic battle on Crait, Finn shaves the sides of his head and Rey ditches her buns.
Ironic Echo: «If you strike me down, I will always be with you. Just like your father.» (Luke to Kylo Ren) mirrors Obi-Wan Kenobi’s «If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.» to Darth Vader in A New Hope.
Jedi Mind Trick: Kylo Ren tries a particularly unsubtle one on Rey («You WILL bring Luke Skywalker to me.») Rey, not being weak minded, is completely unaffected.
Jump Scare: A comatose Finn is in a medical pod, the camera lingers on his face — and Finn very suddenly wakes up screaming Rey’s name. The shot even gets used in a TV spot as a Call-Back, since a Jump Scare involving Finn was the very first scene audiences saw of The Force Awakens in its debut teaser.
Kill It with Fire: A flashback shows the First Order and the Knights of Ren finishing off Luke Skywalker’s school by lighting the building on fire.
Klingon Promotion: After Kylo Ren kills Snoke (while blaming Rey for it), Ren assumes the role of Supreme Commander of the First Order.
Knows a Guy Who Knows a Guy: Finn and Rose initially plan to get in touch with a hacker to get them into the First Order flagship through connections in Maz Kanata’s space pirate network. The plan falls apart when they get thrown in prison for crashing their shuttle on a beach, but they still end up meeting a different cracker, DJ.
Lady of War: Admiral Holdo’s costume is more reminiscent of a ballgown than combat fatigues.
The Last Title: The film is titled The Last Jedi, which according to the director refers to Luke Skywalker after the purge of Luke’s new Jedi by the Knights of Ren. Luke was previously called the last Jedi in both Return of the Jedi and the opening crawl of The Force Awakens.
Late-Arrival Spoiler: The trailers themselves focus around The Reveal from The Force Awakens that Rey is Force-sensitive, as she starts this movie trying to convince Luke Skywalker to train her to be a Jedi. Official Japanese marketing leaflets for The Last Jedi spoil even more of The Force Awakens, including Han Solo’s death as well as Kylo Ren being Han and Leia’s son.
Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
The very first line of the first trailer is Luke saying «Breathe. Just… breathe.» While in-universe this is likely him training Rey, it also serves as a message to excited fans.
Many have taken Luke’s «This is not going the way you think!» line in the trailer as a meta statement suggesting that the trailers are being misleading or that the movie’s got a handful of plot twists up its sleeve.
Like a Son to Me: Leia has this dynamic with Poe in deliberate contrast to her relationship with Kylo Ren, and which directly mirrors Leia’s relationship with her fathers Bail Organa and Darth Vader.
Meaningful Echo: «Impressive. Every word in that sentence was wrong.» Previously said by Luke to Rey during their training session when she tries to describe what the Force is, later repeated when Kylo Ren claims that the war is won and Luke is the last Jedi. This shows Luke’s renewed sense of hope in Rey and the Force.
Mentor Occupational Hazard: Luke, who had previously trained Rey in the ways of the Jedi, becomes one with the Force and dies near the end of the film.
Mile-Long Ship: Snoke’s flagship, the Mega Star Destroyer Supremacy, puts the Super Star Destroyers to shame. For comparison, a Super Star Destroyer is 19 kilometers long, or eleven miles, making it almost as long as Manhattan from bow to stern. Supremacy is 60 kilometers, or thirty-seven miles, from port to starboard, meaning it would span the entire width of Rhode Island.
Moment of Weakness: How Luke describes Ben’s fall. He sensed the darkness within his nephew and in such a moment, he drew his lightsaber and briefly contemplated killing Ben.
My Greatest Failure: Luke clearly blames himself for not realizing just how dangerous Kylo Ren could be. When Rey demonstrates the same level of power, he doesn’t take it well. It’s revealed Luke, in a moment of weakness, sensed Ben’s darkness and contemplated killing him. Although he immediately decided against it, Ben saw the ignited lightsaber and came to his own conclusions.
Mythology Gag:
Force Bonds are a carryover from the two KOTOR games.
The tree containing the ancient Jedi texts is shaped like the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, or vice versa more likely, given that the island was previously stated to be the site of the first Jedi Temple.
When the First Order attacks, Ackbar dies in the same manner as Admiral Piett: killed when a fireball destroys the bridge.
Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!:
Although Ben was already falling victim to the Dark Side, Luke’s brief contemplation of pre-emptively murdering Ben is what drove him to kill the Jedi. It’s worth noting Luke actually regretted the thought as soon as he considered it, but all it took for Ben to believe Luke was gonna kill him was to see Luke’s ignited saber.
Finn & Rose’s plan to disable the tracking system on Supremacy actually makes things worse; Leia and Holdo’s plan was to use Home One as a decoy to draw First Order attention so that they could sneak the survivors off in transports to an abandoned Rebel base and call for help. When Finn and Rose are captured onboard Supremacy, DJ sells them and the plan out and most of the survivors are easily picked off.
No Hugging, No Kissing: Johnson commented that the story does not feature a Han/Leia type of romance in the film. Downplayed as this does not exclude the possibility of Ship Tease or tension-filled moments between the characters, nor does it rule out a full-blown romance in the Grand Finale. The finished movie then averts this by showing quite a bit of platonic hugging and an unambiguously romantic kiss between Rose and Finn.
No Kill Like Overkill: Kylo Ren’s first approach to dealing with Luke is to have a dozen Humongous Mecha blast him with everything they got, and then some. It doesn’t work, since it was a Force Projection.
No Name Given: Benicio Del Toro’s character is simply referred to as «DJ» by the production crew and is not named within the movie itself.
No-Sell: Kylo Ren tries to use a Mind Trick on Rey who is not fazed for a moment.
Not Good with Rejection: Kylo Ren does not take it well when Rey refuses his offer to rule the galaxy together.
Oh, Crap!:
Luke has a look of horror in his face in the second trailer as during Rey’s training ritual it seemed she had focused enough to crack the ground beneath them.
During the Resistance fleet’s final escape attempt, Hux is gleefully shooting down their unarmed, unshielded transports one after the other with his customary smug sadism, until Admiral Holdo suddenly turns her cruiser around and fires up its hyperdrive. The look on his face as he screams at his subordinates to switch targets to the cruiser is priceless.
Kylo Ren loses it when Luke Skywalker of all people suddenly strolls out of the Resistance base’s destroyed main gate to confront him. He gets another one a minute later when his attempt to kill Luke with More Dakka falls completely flat, forcing him to face his old teacher himself.
Older Hero vs. Younger Villain: The climactic battle between Luke and Kylo Ren, where the former is the latter’s uncle.
Opportunistic Bastard: When Hux enters the scene of carnage after Ren kills Snoke, he seems ready to draw his pistol and kill Ren as well. He thinks better of it when Ren gets to his feet. Had Kylo Ren not recovered so quickly it may have ended up being Supreme Commander Hux.
Once an Episode: Poe and BB-8 get their X-Wing blown up again.
One-Gender Race: The Caretakers are all female. Rian Johnson compared it to a nunnery.
Out of the Inferno: Captain Phasma and her Stormtroopers are shown walking out of the flames in the trailer.
O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Luke Skywalker’s first action in the movie after taking the lightsaber? Tossing it off the cliff and coldly ignoring Rey’s protests. A clear sign that something is not right with our hero.
Plot Armor: Despite successive attacks by the First Order that pick off a lot of Resistance ships, Poe and Leia survive the film.
Plucky Comic Relief:
Rian Johnson called BB-8 «the Buster Keaton» of the movie.
The Porgs serve as this as well, giving Chewie a lot of hassle.
Poor Communication Kills: If Admiral Holdo had only told Poe what her plan was, things would have gone a lot better. He takes matters into his own hands, supporting Finn & Rose’s plan, which through no fault of their own ends up making things worse.
Pre-Explosion Buildup: When Holdo destroys the Supremacy by ramming the Raddus into it, there’s a moment of eerie silence before the sound of the explosion is heard.
Prophecy Twist: A rapid-fire variant where the audience is aware of the twist, but the person making the declaration is not. Snoke correctly predicts that there is conflict in Kylo Ren’s heart, and foresees that he is activating a lightsaber and making a decision. Snoke thinks he’s raising his red one to kill Rey, when in fact Kylo Ren uses the blue on next to Snoke to kill him instead.
Psychic Link: Invoked by Snoke, who set up a link between Rey and Kylo Ren with the goal of bringing Rey to him. The two use it to communicate throughout the entire film, unaware of its origin or purpose.
Pyrrhic Victory: The opening attack on the Dreadnought. It succeeds, but the Resistance loses many of its ships and pilots, and it was all for nothing as the First Order makes easy work of them afterwards. This is acknowledged in-universe.
Pyrrhic Villainy: By the end of the film, the First Order has shattered the Resistance militarily and, with the collapse of the New Republic, has now become the dominant power in the galaxy. However thanks to Luke’s sacrifice, the remaining members of the Resistance are able to escape and plan to rebuild their forces in the Outer Rim, while the First Order itself took heavy losses and are now under the leadership of the inexperienced Kylo Ren, who failed to completely wipe out the Resistance and was humiliated by his uncle in front of his entire army. As a result, he has neither their respect nor loyalty and may face internal strife regarding this down the line.
Ragnarök Proofing: Averted. The first Jedi temple is being maintained by the Caretakers and even then it’s clearly falling apart.
Raised Hand of Survival: Luke in the flashback to the massacre of his Jedi temple, after the destruction being so bad that he was left buried under the flaming ruins.
Ramming Always Works: Well, when you ram something— anything— with a huge object at FTL speeds, you’re bound to do some serious damage, as Snoke’s gigantic flagship and most of the Star Destroyers can attest to once Admiral Holdo is finished with it.
Red Herring: Two major plot points that sparked many fan theories turn out to be meaningless in the end.
Rey’s parents are really nobodies. They were useless junkies who sold her for another hit and died on Jakku of overdoses long ago. Kylo Ren saw the truth and told Rey she’s really a nobody in the universe.
Snoke turns out to be a complete nobody. At least, he’s not any of the many fan-theory identities from the expanded universe. He’s just an extremely powerful force user who corrupted Kylo Ren. He is unceremoniously dispatched by Ren despite his immense power, by being blindsided and fooled into thinking Ren was going to activate his own lightsaber to kill Rey, when Ren remotely activated Rey’s lightsaber after discreetly pointing it at Snoke’s body.
Within the film itself, a man wearing a red floral symbol on his lapel that Maz Kanata recommends as a master codebreaker is seen at one of the tables in Canto Bight, but the audience never finds out if it really was him or if he could have helped the heroes, as ultimately the whole endeavor is for naught.
«Rashomon»-Style: Kylo Ren’s description of his fall differs a bit from the two times Luke tells it. According to Ren, Luke had his lightsaber raised and was just about to kill him in his sleep. Luke initially recalls simply gazing at Ben before the latter collapsed the structure around them. Later, he admits he briefly drew his lightsaber and quickly decided against killing Ben, but it was too late — Ben had already sensed his intentions.
Red Is Violent: The dominant color of the film’s promotional campaign is red, to highlight the Darker and Edgier nature of the film compared to The Force Awakens. On the last poster alone, we see trails of blood that extend vertically to become like geysers of blood, Kylo Ren’s lightsaber, the red armor-clad Praetorian Guards, and the red dust trail the Resistance vehicles leave behind them on Crait.
Retired Badass: Luke has largely stopped using the Force and lives a simple life.
The Reveal:
The official synopsis suggests that we’re going to learn something about the nature of the Force that will change everything.
Rey and Kylo Ren’s bond throughout the movie exists for a reason. It was made by Snoke for the purpose of leading the First Order to Luke Skywalker.
Ridiculously Cute Critter:
The Porgs, the birds of Ahch-To which make the adorableness of the Ewoks look subtle.
The Vulptices (singular Vulptex), are elegant-looking crystalline foxes native to Crait.
Rule of Three: As noted under «Rashomon»-Style, Kylo Ren’s fall is shown from differing perspectives, notably it’s shown three times: the first comes from Luke and it has him simply gazing into Ben’s mind before the latter collapses the room they’re in, the second comes from Kylo and depicts Luke with a raw killing intent; the last version is (which is assumed to be the truth) shows that Luke did draw his lightsaber as Kylo remarked but the killing intent quickly vanished, only for it to be too late to take back.
Running Gag: The Millenium Falcon gets called «piece of junk» once again.
«Shaggy Dog» Story:
The military effort of The Force Awakens is this. The entire goal of the Resistance was to spur the New Republic into recognizing the First Order for the threat that it was and to take action. We know how that went with the destruction of the Hosnian System and most of the New Republic’s military, as they are now in such a sorry state that they are basically left to fend for themselves. The First Order are said to be unconcerned with their devastating losses at Starkiller Base and that they more or less think they’ve already won the war (hence why Snoke wasn’t too concerned with losing Starkiller Base), with the Resistance and Luke Skywalker being loose ends to tie up before the Galaxy is theirs.
In the film, Finn and Rose are unsuccessful at disabling the tracking system and Poe’s mutiny is ultimately quelled by Leia herself, who forces him to go along with Holdo’s original plan of abandoning the Raddus.
Ship Sinking:
John Boyega confirmed in an interview shortly after Star Wars Celebration that Finn/Poe won’t become canon. This hasn’t stopped the shippers. He also confirmed Finn and Rey were just friends.
The movie has a lot of Ship Tease between Kylo Ren and Rey.
Ship Tease: Rey/Finn, Finn/Rose and Rey/Kylo are all teased here.
Rey/Finn: When Finn first wakes up from his coma following the events of The Force Awakens, the first thing he asks Poe is «Where’s Rey?». His primary goal throughout the film is making sure Rey has somewhere safe to come back to. On Rey’s end, she asks Chewbacca to update her on the Resistance’s status and makes a note to ask him how Finn is. Before she leaves to confront Kylo, Rey tells Chewie to tell Finn… something. Chewie roars something in response and Rey decides that’ll do. When they finally reunite, they embrace each other tightly.
Finn/Rose: Rose is already a Hero-Worshipper of Finn and, although they get off on the wrong foot, they work together greatly. Her feelings towards her hero start to turn romantic after they tear up Canto Bight together. In the final battle, Finn is about to sacrifice himself to destroy the First Order’s cannon, but Rose saves him, getting herself injured in the process. When Finn asks her why she saved him, she tells him the war will be won by «saving what we love.» and kisses him just before she passes out. Finn takes her back to the Resistance and it’s clear she’s in his care.
Rey/Kylo: The Foe Romance Subtext between Kylo Ren and Rey from The Force Awakens gets dialed up to 11. They have a Psychic Link that they use to communicate across space, Rey gets flustered when she sees Kylo Ren shirtless, they share a very emotionally charged scene where they touch hands, and spend much of the movie attempting to convince the other to turn to their side.
Silence Is Golden: A few important scenes are left completely silent in order to emphasize the importance of the visuals.
Sink the Lifeboats: Once the First Order learns that the last members of the Resistance are escaping the Raddus in tiny, unshielded transport ships and are attempting to get to Crait, they don’t hesitate to shoot these down.
Smash the Symbol: The teaser shows Kylo Ren’s helmet smashed to pieces in his quarters, as he feels he’s no longer worthy to be Darth Vader’s grandson and won’t repair it until he lives up to his legacy. In the movie proper, it is instead a sign that he wants to completely abandon the past and move ahead.
Smoke Shield: In the climax, the First Order fires every one of their walkers' guns at Luke Skywalker for a few seconds. Hux even sarcastically quips «Do you think you got him?» But when the smoke clears, Luke is completely unscathed. Justified, as Luke was using Force Projection; he wasn’t actually there.
Spotting the Thread: There are quite a few clues that point to Luke not being physically present on Crait. For one, he ignites his blue lightsaber, but we see Rey has taken it earlier and it has even been destroyed during her fight with Kylo. His beard and haircut are noticeably different, and in fact match the earlier flashbacks with Kylo, not the grey beard and longer hair he had on Ahch-To with Rey. This Luke turns out to be an Astral Projection, and Kylo never catches on until it’s too late. In fact, if you look closely, Luke doesn’t even leave footprints.
Story-Breaker Power: The reason Luke doesn’t get involved with the plot until the end of the film, where even close to death Luke manages to astrally project himself across the Galaxy and make a fool of Kylo Ren before becoming one with the force.
Stylistic Suck: Yoda’s brief appearance as a Force Ghost uses an actual puppet instead of a CGI model to match how he looked in the original trilogy.
Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: One of the First Order pilots takes out a ship carrying Admiral Ackbar and the rest of the Resistance leadership in the first act.
Take a Third Option: A major theme in the film. Luke suggests that the light side, dark side and even the balance between them, are only a few choices among many. The Force, like the life it binds, has an endless multitude of forms.
Take That!:
A subtle jab to The Phantom Menace happens when Maz is explaining why she’s broadcasting a hologram in the middle of a firefight: it’s a result of boring politics.
Maz Kanata: Union dispute. You do not want to hear about it.
Early in Rey’s training, Luke gets annoyed at Rey saying The Force is something to throw rocks with, paralling a common reviewer complaint (such as in the infamous RedLetterMedia reviews) about how Force Telekenesis was overused in the prequels.
Taking You with Me: Having already decided to go down with the ship, Admiral Holdo rams the last Resistance ship into Snoke’s ship at hyperspeed, throwing everything onboard into chaos and destroying both ships.
The Thing That Would Not Leave: Luke. The island on Ahch-To is occupied by creatures called Caretakers. Rian Johnson says they «tolerate» Luke’s presence but aren’t happy about it.
Title Drop: Twice, in the same conversation. When Kylo Ren finds Luke, he claims that he’ll finally be able to kill the last Jedi. Luke then turns right around and says that he isn’t the last Jedi anymore.
Training Montage: Rey has one on Ahch-To with her testing her lightsaber skills and her Force powers while Luke watches from a distance.
Trailers Always Spoil: The marketing campaign did a remarkable job of not spoiling the movie in the ad campaign… Up until eight days out from the premiere, in which they revealed a shot of Rey using Kylo Ren’s lightsaber. Even if this was removed from context, there were a number of fans that say they wish they hadn’t seen this before they caught the movie.
Trauma Button: Luke’s PTSD is triggered when he sees Rey’s power for himself and observes that it looks almost like that he saw when his nephew killed the other Jedi.
Luke: I’ve seen this raw strength only once before. It didn’t scare me enough then. It does now.
Troll: Poe acts as a messenger acting on Leia’s behalf at the start of the film. Hux gives a grand speech about destroying the resistance, but Poe acts like the comm channels were never opened and he never heard a word. This fools Hux and completely takes the wind out of his sails. This act lasts long enough for the Resistance to successfully evacuate.
Villains Act, Heroes React: Alluded to by Snoke by means of discussing the Force.
Snoke: Darkness rises — and light to meet it.
War for Fun and Profit: The wealth of Canto Bight’s casinos comes from weapons trade. And said weapons are sold to both the First Order and the Resistance.
We ARE Struggling Together: Poe and Admiral Holdo don’t get along despite being on the same side. He disagrees with her on the Resistance’s next course of action, thinking her plan makes them sitting ducks.
We Can Rule Together: Kylo Ren offers Rey to rule the Galaxy with him after killing Snoke, much like his grandfather did with Luke. She refuses, yet again.
We Hardly Knew Ye: Paige Tico is killed in the opening battle.
Wham Episode: The film was said to fundamentally change the Saga both retroactively and going forward, and indeed does. Luke Skywalker has become one with the Force after passing on some knowledge to Rey. Supreme Leader Snoke is dead, and the First Order’s most powerful ship has been destroyed. Kylo Ren has absolutely no interest in redeeming himself and becomes the Supreme Leader. The Resistance is nearly finished, with only hope sustaining the few survivors, along with the implication that more Force-sensitive individuals are rising.
Wham Line: In the first trailer, spoken by Luke Skywalker of all people: «It’s time for the Jedi…to end.»
Wham Shot:
In the second trailer, Rey says to someone in a fiery landscape that she needs someone to teach her where she belongs in all this… then the camera appears to cut to Kylo Ren looking at her, and he holds out his hand in offer.
Another TV spot ends with Rey holding Kylo Ren’s lightsaber, and appears to be fighting alongside Snoke’s Praetorian Guard.
What You Are in the Dark: In the second trailer, we see a battle between the Resistance and the First Order. There is a shot of Leia looking into the camera as she watches the battle intertwined with Kylo piloting his TIE Silencer through the battle looking rather reluctant, giving off the impression that while he may have killed his father, he may not be as willing to kill his mother this time.
Wuxia: While still free of gravity defying wireworks, the swordsmanship of The Last Jedi blow for blow matches the speed, ferocity and elegance of the Prequel Trilogy, as shown in Rey and Kylo Ren’s cataclysmic battle with Snoke’s Praetorian Guard. In tone, the choreography of The Last Jedi is closer to the kinetic and high-impact battles of 80’s to 90’s Jackie Chan movies rather than the more grounded and subdued 60’s to 70s Shaw Brothers style of The Force Awakens. The finale, wherein Luke’s Spiritual Enlightenment utterly demolishing the comparatively-shallow physical-mastery of Kylo Ren is a classic indication of true Grand Mastery as a warrior in Wuxia fiction.
You Do Not Want To Know: Maz Kanata asserts that Finn et al. do not want to hear about the union dispute she’s participating in offscreen.
You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Admiral Holdo has curly pink hair.
Your Mom: Poe tells Hux that he’s trying to relay an urgent message about his mother. The joke is that Hux is a Bastard Bastard.